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  • 2012年05月08日  来源:齐鲁晚报
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  You are not afraid of the people around you, you are afraid of rejection/不怕人群,只是怕被拒绝。
Make hay while the sun shines/切莫错过好时机。
I'm going to play it cool/我决定冷静处理。
There is nothing impossible to him who will try/只要去尝试,就没有什么绝对的不可能。
Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth/我们的所闻都是意见而非事实,我们的所见都是观点而非真相。
People can think anything about me, but what really matters is what I think about myself/别人怎么看我那是他们的自由,我怎么看自己才最重要。
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