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  • 2013年04月23日  来源:齐鲁晚报
  • 【PDF版】
Can you reduce the price/你能不能算便宜一点?
Hey,don't try to rip me off. I know what this is worth/别想宰我,我识货。
Give me a discount/给我打个折吧。
Come on,give me a break on this/别这样,你就让点儿价吧。
Is there any discount on bulk purchases/我多买些能打折吗?
How do I get to the food section/去食品部怎么走?
Let us not be content to wait and see what will happen,but give us the determination to make the right things happen/别等著看会有什么事情发生,下决心让对的事发生。
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